Bootstrapping Blog by a new version of Jekyll (4.1.0).

Since 2017 year there were some changes in Jekyll ecosystem.

Currently, Ruby can be installed on Windows system by Chocolatey package manager. This way Ruby can be installed by simply executing choco install ruby.

Chocolatey installer will also add bundle executable which is needed to manage Ruby packages. Now we can install Jekyll by the following command: bundle install jekyll. After successfully installing Jekyll, we can bootstrap new blog by: jekyll new my-blog which will have simple structure and default configuration. Blog will be using new minima theme in 2.5.1 version.

After bootstrapping new blog, we should configure it by changing necessary properties in _config.yml file. Properties such as title or email can be changed there.

To run blog on our development machine, run:

  • bundle install to install dependencies and
  • bundle exec jekyll serve to run blog in watch mode.

New changes in posts will be automatically applied. Note that to apply changes in _config.yml you must restart command, because this file isn’t watched.

My personal blog’s code is available by following this link.

In conclusion, Jekyll blogging framework is easy to set up and free solution which can be deployed on private Github page.

Additionally, there is a nice web editor which allows writing posts without need to run development environment.